Born from the responsibility for future generations.
Hans Lindner founded the company Akustikbau Lindner Gmbh in Arnstorf, his place of birth, in 1965. To this day, the family business has its headquarters in the Lower Bavarian market town.
Meanwhile, the group of companies employs a good 7,500 employees who supervise and handle construction projects of all kinds at numerous locations throughout the world and also supply the appropriate products.
Sustainablity has always been an important key factor for Lindner’s development: whether you have a look at the choice of locations and production facilities, long-term employee loyalty, cooperative customer relationships and, of course, in the development of our resource-saving products.
Being a family-owned business, we consider it as our duty to create something that will last, to handel our environment with care and to focus on the health of people and nature in the future. This principle now applies far beyond our activities in the construction industry and is also lived in the other business divisions of the Lindner Group, in our foundation work, our own hotel group, the house breweries and in sustainable agriculture and forestry.
We work together on a daily basis to achieve this and are implementing an extensive package of measures at company level.
We have complied some of these measures as examples in our Add.Vantage modules and recorded them in our visions of a waste-free, CO2-neutral production. All measures are controlled by means of management systems for qualilty, environment and energy as well as life cycle assessment.

We are a founding and presidiuim member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.), part of the board in the Institue for Environment and Construction (Institute für Umwelt und Bauen e. V.) and a member of the U. S. Green Building Council.